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Spokesperson Liu Jianchao's Comment on Japan's Forcible Expulsion of Taiwanese Fishermen near the Diaoyu Islands
2005-06-10 00:00

Q: It is reported some fishermen from Chinese Taiwan gathered in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands on the morning of June 9th, protesting the Japan Coast Guard patrol ships' expulsion of the Taiwanese fishing boats that were operating in the area. What's China's comment?

A: The Diaoyu Island and the affiliated islands have been China's territory since ancient times. China has indisputable evidence on it in terms of history and law. The waters near the Diaoyu Islands is a traditional fishing ground of Chinese fishermen. Japan's forcible expulsion of Taiwanese fishermen who were operating there normally infringes upon China's sovereignty, rights and interests. The Chinese side is strongly dissatisfied, and has lodged representations to the Japanese side. We urge the Japanese side to attach great importance to China's concerns, and properly handle the issue with earnest prudence.

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