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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Press Conference on 28 April 2005
2005-04-30 00:00

On the afternoon of April 28, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang presided over a regular press conference.

Qin:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

First of all, I will make two announcements:

At the invitation of Premier Wen Jiabao,  Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Premier of the Independent State of Samoa, will pay an official visit to China from May 8 to 15.

At the invitation of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin of the Russian Federation, President Hu Jintao will attend the 60th Anniversary Celebration of Victory of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow from May 8 to 9.

Now the floor is open.

Q: The Shanghai office for the cooperation between China and US on the "Container Security Initiative" (CSI) was formally initiated in Shanghai. What benefits has China gained from this initiative? The second question is can you brief on what fruits the US Assistant Secretary of State Hill achieved in his visit to China?

A: On April 27th, the opening ceremony of Shanghai office for the China-US cooperation on "Container Security Initiative" was held in Shanghai. Relevant officials from China's General Administration of Customs, the Foreign Ministry of China and the US Customs and Border Protection Commission attended the ceremony.

According to the consensus reached between the state heads of  the two countries, China and the US established medium-term and long-term mechanism on anti-terrorism exchanges and cooperation. The cooperation on "Container Security Initiative" is an important part of anti-terrorism cooperation between China and the US. Two ports at Shanghai and Shenzhen will be encompassed in this cooperation.

On April 26th, US Assistant Secretary of State Hill had a courtesy meeting with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Dai Bingguo, and respectively met with Chinese Vice Foreign Ministers Yang Jiechi and Wu Dawei. The two sides exchanged views over China-US relations, the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and other international and regional issues of common interests.

During their meetings, the two sides agreed that it is essentially important to maintain a long-term healthy and stable development of China-US relations, which conforms to the common interests of both sides. Both sides have the responsibility to carry out the series of consensus reached between the two heads of state on the development of China-US relations. The two sides also exchanged views on the situation of nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and how to resume the Six-Party Talks. The US side expressed its willingness to adhere to the Six-Party Talks and to seek a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula through dialogues. Once the Talks is reopened, the US could do a lot in the Six-Party Talks. The Chinese side reiterated that it is in the common interests of all parties concerned to reopen the Six-Party Talks as early as possible, continue the process of peace-talks, realize denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and maintain its peace and stability. The Chinese side also hoped that all relevant parties, especially the major parties concerned further display flexibility, patience and sincerity to create favorable conditions for an early resumption of the Six-Party Talks.

This visit is beneficial to enhance mutual understanding, and also helpful to the exchanges and cooperation between China and US in relevant fields.

Q: Please brief on the agenda of Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing on attending the ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Foreign Ministers' meeting in Japan. During the meeting, what topics will the Chinese side bring forward? Will it touch upon the EU's lifting of arms embargo on China? Will there be any bilateral contact between China and Japan during the meeting?

A: I already announced relevant news at the last press conference. Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing will attend the ASEM Foreign Ministers' meeting in Japan between May 6 and 7.

During the meeting, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing will meet with his counterparts of relevant countries. As to the EU's arms embargo on China, we have expressed our position repeatedly. The EU's arms embargo on China is an issue to be resolved in China-EU relations. During the ASEM Foreign Ministers' meeting, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing will continue to elaborate our position on the issue that we hope the EU lift the embargo at an early date so as to remove the obstacle to the further development of the China-EU relations.

Within my knowledge, there should be meetings between Chinese and Japanese foreign ministers.

Q: The Korean Government has clearly expressed its opposition to the expansion of the UN Security Council. What's the Chinese Government's attitude toward this issue?

A: China supports the reform of the UN Security Council. The purpose of the reform should be to strengthen the Security Council's ability to safeguard international peace and security and to enhance its efficiency and authority. Priority should be given to increasing representation of developing nations. The key of the issue is how to conduct the reform. Since the reform of the Security Council concerns issues of great importance, it should be decided through democratic consultation of all parties to seek a wide consensus. Forcing through an immature reform plan will neither benefit the solidarity among the UN members, nor maintain the authority of the Security Council.

Q: Japanese Foreign Minister is visiting the US today for the purpose of advancing the progress of Japan to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council. Does China support Japan to be a permanent member? There are reports in Japan saying that some Chinese leader will visit Japan at the end of this year. Will that be Premier Wen Jiabao or other senior leaders?

A: As for the reform of the UN Security Council, I have already given the answer.

For high-level visits between leaders of China and Japan, it is necessary to create a positive atmosphere and favorable conditions at the moment.

Q: Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi will visit India today. What's China's comment? Foreign Minister of Myanmar U Nyan Win is visiting Beijing now. Can you brief us on his visit?

A: The visit of Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to India is a matter between Japan and India. We hope India and Japan will treat and develop their bilateral relations in the benefit of the peace, stability and development of the region.

At the invitation of Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing, U Nyan Win, Foreign Minister of Myanmar, is visiting China from April 28 to 30. During the visit, he will hold talks with Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing. He will also meet with relevant leaders on the Chinese side.

Q: There are opinions in Taiwan and the international community that Taiwan should accede to the WHO, and expand its scope of activities. Is there any shift in China's attitude toward the issue?

A: China's stance on the question of Taiwan related to WHO has been consistent and clear. On the 57th WHO Conference, the Chinese Government brought forward four proposals for resolving the Taiwan question related to the WHO. Currently, relevant departments of the Chinese Government are taking positive measures to carry out the four proposals.

Q: When does China hope to hold the consultations on the issue of the East China Sea between China and Japan? Will the Chinese side bring forward the specific plan on common exploration?

A: The Chinese side is willing to start a new round of consultation on the issue of the East China Sea at an early date. Then both the Chinese and the Japanese side can take consultations on each issue they are concerned about.

Q: Will Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing touch upon the textile issue with EU officials during the 7th ASEM Foreign Ministers' meeting?

A: Currently I have no information on the agenda of Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing to conduct consultations with relevant parties during the ASEM Foreign Ministers' meeting. As comprehensive strategic partners, China and Europe could exchange views on issues of common interests in a candid and in-depth way.

If there are no more questions, I'd like to inform you before finishing the press conference that from May 1 to 7 are China's holidays, during which the regular conferences on May 3 and 5 will be cancelled in usual practice, and it will resume on May 10. During the holiday, the Spokesperson's office will take up your questions through telephone as usual.

Wish you a happy May 1 holiday. Thank you!

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